Taylor Larbrinonel
3D models for vtubers and vrchat
– Price –
Basic package starts at 500$. It includes:
3D model, that is fully setted up for VSeeFace (.vsfavatar format) (any other face-tracking app is discussable);
High quality jiggle physics on: hair, chest, butt, accessories that require jiggle physics (ribbons, chains, ears etc);
High quality textures (2k);
Basic rigging, including eye tracking and mouth tracking, basic body rigging (unless you purchase VRChat package);
5 basic facial expressions of your or mine choosing (doesn’t include toggles such as glasses, head-bands etc);
Basic commercial rights: you can use the avatar for streaming, but no re-selling/taking parts of the model, even if you stopped your VTuber activity;
Documentation on how to setup and use your model, as well as an .zip archive with application you need for tracking via VSeeFace
Note: starting price may be raised due to the complexity of your avatar, I’ll let your know about that.
You can also add some of the optional services listed below to the basic package:
Extra facial emotes: 5$-10$ per emote, depending on how complex it is;
Extra accessories (as toggles for VRChat/VSeeFace): 5$-40$ per accessory, depending on how complex it is;
Base model: 100$ – fully textured nude model (no NSFW though), that can be used for future outfits commissions;
VRChat Package: 100$ – ready to use VRChat model.
Note: I don't have a full body tracking, only VR helmet (Oculus Rift CV1) with hands tracking, so be warned that I won't be able fully test everything myself, thus I'll be needing your help to test the model if you'll need a full-body rigging. But if you also don't have full body tracking, than I'll be able to do all testing myself.
– Payment –
Payments are done via PayPal;
50% upfront and 50% when the model is ready. Once full price has being paid, I'll send .rar/.zip package of what you’ve ordered. Payments are non-refundable once I start working on the model.
– Cancellation –
If commissioner cancels the commission for any reason AFTER I (modeller) have started working on a model – payments are not being refunded and the project is being deleted.
If I (modeller) cancel the commission – all of the upfront payment will being returned to the commissioner by the paying method, that is suitable for me, and the project is being deleted.